Jun 10Liked by Ruth Cooper-Dickson

Aww I loved this. I have found myself hugging a tree on a few occasions whilst walking my dog. There is something so lovely about it. My kids thought I was weird at first! Be well coops x

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I love that you have found yourself doing this!! Now your kids are like, "it's just Mum being weird" 🤣 thank you, you too xx

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Jun 9Liked by Ruth Cooper-Dickson

I'm not a tree hugger but I am a knee hugger, grown up children hugger, grandchildren and extended family hugger and, occasionally, husband hugger. I say occasionally, because, after nearly 50 years of a "we don't hold hands" type of marriage, hugging is a fairly recent phenomenon!

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I love that you are now hugging in your marriage 💛 Hope you are well Sandie x

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