Hi Ruth, beautiful writing as always from you. I find the most powerful part of goal setting for me is writing my goals down. I believe writing them down and why I want the goal to be achieved changes the goal into a dream with wings and allows you to tap into the powers of the universe that you have touched on to be able to achieve them. I’m always conscious not to over do them but always make sure they are slightly bigger than I think I can achieve to get some quick power behind them at the start. I always put a written deadline on them and why I want them to work also. Many times I have had to change them up towards the end as it’s spooky how things slow down towards the end if you don’t. I think this is because our subconscious mind knows its work is done so dosent attract anymore from the power of universe and lands on what you first choose. All goals and dreams must be back by a strong desire though and you must want it really badly enough like you need oxygen and if you do then all else will be commentary. Sounds a bit far out I know but I’m a strong believer of the power of the universe as you can probably tell. ⭐️ 😄

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Thank you so much for the lovely feedback. YES to writing goals down! This is very much my action, too. I agree that the desire has to be there to achieve what we want. I am also a firm believer in the power of the universe. This week, I've had several things that have manifested, which restore my faith and the power of your dreams and wishes ✨

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The universe never lets us down that’s for sure if we never give up as what ever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve with definite of purpose behind it ⭐️

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Hi Ruth, LOVE this and you are so right of-course! 😉 I always find that if I set too many goals or with too many time-lines attached to them, I get easily overwhelmed which stops me moving forward 🙄 By having a broader time-line in mind, then it takes all the pressure off and allows time for illness/self-care, etc.. Then if I reach that goal earlier than expected, it feels extra great (which is a nice bonus) 👍 Instead of having too many goals/time-lines and feeling like you're always failing! My word for the year is "Clarity" xx

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I love the idea of open goals; it doesn't mean you cannot still be pushy with achieving them, but I think life can often get in the way, and sometimes, everything perfectly aligns to allow you to move forward on a goal, which makes it easy. Often, timelines are so arbitrary, too! Nothing worse than feeling like you are failing! That is a brilliant word. I can't wait to see how you use it this year. xx

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I recently quit an am. dram. group. This was not because I didn't enjoy it, on the contrary. But as a would be playwright, painter, singer, exerciser, art gallery partner, grandmother, osteoarthritis sufferer, self carer, I knew that something had to go. Time was a big factor in this decision. Also, with poor mobility (would I get across the stage without a walking aid?) and increasing poor memory to learn lines, my "treading the boards" days were over. No regrets.

The physical challenges I am now faced with dictate what (and how much) exercise I do. Not much at the moment. Disappointing but realistic. Hopefully I'll get back to the swimming and gym(ing) when motivation kicks in again. I am well aware of the SMART acronym. It was oft used in my role as an Adult Education worker.

The main things I want to quit are fairly recent feelings of anger and resentment and criticism, towards my husband. But, with the support of a lovely psychotherapist, I am working on these and have come to understand why, over many years, I ended up in hospital with severe depressive episodes.

I have often held on to the wisdom of getting rid of "I should, must, have to, need to etc." types of words, and much prefer "I would like to, but at the moment ......... " Much kinder, far less pressure.

Lastly I need to quit my over-confidence in my (limited) knowledge of technology. More than once I have lost documents by clicking without thinking, never to retrieve the writing I had worked on for an hour or so.

On that note I shall proof read the above and send it before it gets lost!


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As always, Sandie, thank you so much for writing an insightful and reflective comment. It is appreciated. As we go through life's ebbs and flows, there is an opportunity to let go and quit different things, whether that is health, time, priorities, or so many reasons. I am glad you have support from a lovely psychotherapist; that makes me very happy.

One of my favourite bits of your comment was the "I have often held on to the wisdom of getting rid of "I should, must, have to, need to etc." types of words, and much prefer "I would like to, but at the moment ......... " Much kinder, far less pressure." This is SO TRUE!

You managed to send the note! Ha ha. Take care x

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